期刊名称:Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature
出版社:Soegijapranata Catholic University
摘要:The 18'" century period is oftell cOllsidered as a period where womell had to live ill men's world. There were 1I0rms, values, and rules, which binded, tied and controlled women's movemellts in every part of life. Womell 'were forced' to be ollly as mell 's servallls and slaves who were obliged to be submissive alld servile. Through his 'IOvel, Pamela, Samuel Richardsoll introduces his maill character. Pamela. as a controversially differelll character. She changes the meaning of servitude, in which womell do 1I0t have to be men's properties for being servile. Unlike most womerr ill her cemury. she introduces herself as a beillg who ;s able to use her illlelligelice in defending her rights in frolll of men ill a patriarchal society while at the same time she still gives her respect to them. This article, which uses traditiollal, sociological. moral, and femillism approaches. is intended to analyze the new portrayal of the 18'" celltury female characte r by focusing on Sanruel Richardson's Pamela, as she showed new meanillgs of being a woman, a wife. mId a mother to her husband, friends and socief).