摘要:The teachers’ teaching skill is an efficiency or ability of a teacher when doing and arranging the class in the process of teaching and learning activity. So, the ability of teaching has to be in a teacher. While the teacher does not have the ability of teaching, the activity of learning will not be effective and the aim of learning can not be achieved maximally. The teachers’ teaching ability is one of the factor that influence the students’ learning motivation. The aim of this research is to know the correlation between the perception of teachers’ teaching ability with the students’ motivation in learning Japanese at MAN 2 Semarang. This kind of research is descriptive quantitative. The population of the research are all of the students of XII grade in Science and Social Class at MAN 2 Semarang. The sample of the research are students of XII Science 4 and XII Social 1 grade. The instrument used is questionnaire. The data analysis using product moment formula. From the result of the research showing that there is the strong positive relation between X variable (the perception of teachers’ teaching ability) with Y variable (the factors of students’ learning motivation). It is shown through the correlation test. In correlation test, the value of r is counted 0.6129 if it is interpreted to the table of correlation number interpretation include in the strong category. While r table is 0,232 (5%) and 0.302 (1%). Because of the value of r is smaller than r count, so it can be concluded thet there is strong positive correlation. So that the first hypothesis (H1) in the research is accepted and the zero hypothesis is rejected automatically.