摘要:Forehand is hit the most basic and most easily taught in tennis. In this study the influence of variations in practice investigation of the ability to make a forehand drive forehand drive in tennis beginner tennis court. Samples were taken from beginner players that are grouped according to ability to perform forehand drive. Each group received training forehand drive with gradual variation front to back and the position remains behind. The results showed a significant effect of the variations in practice forehand drive forehand drive capacity for tennis. This is shown by the results of the t-test, where t count (12.756)> t table (2.457). Based on t-test results of the study found no effect of variations in practice forehand drive with the ability to start from a beginner tennis player. However, the study found the effectiveness of the exercise of the variation associated with the ability forehand drive beginning from novice players. Beginner players with high initial ability forehand drive more effective given the variations in practice forehand drive with a fixed position in the back. While exercise gradually forehand drive front to rear more effective given for beginner players with the ability to start a low forehand drive.
其他摘要:Forehand adalah pukulan yang paling dasar dan paling mudah diajarkan dalam tenis lapangan. Pada studi ini dilakukan investigasi pengaruh variasi latihan forehand drive terhadap kemampuan melakukan forehand drive tennis lapangan pada petenis pemula. Sampel