摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tumbuhnya sikap ilmiah dan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Data diperoleh melalui metode observasi, angket dan tes. Analisis uji-t diperoleh sikap ilmiah siswa mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklus, ditunjukkan adanya peningkatan jumlah siswa yang termasuk dalam kategori sikap ilmiah baik. Ketuntasan hasil belajar afektif siswa siklus I sebesar 70%, kemudian meningkat menjadi 80% pada siklus II dan 92% pada siklus III. Ketuntasan hasil belajar psikomotorik siswa siklus I sebesar 57,5%, pada siklus II 80% dan 92,5% pada siklus III. Ketuntasan klasikal hasil belajar kognitif siswa siklus I sebesar 60%, kemudian menurun menjadi 55% pada siklus II dan meningkat menjadi 87,5% pada siklus III. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) dapat menumbuhkan sikap ilmiah dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. This study aims to determine the developing of scientific attitudes and improved student learning outcomes. This study is a Class Action Research (PTK) and implemented in three cycles. Data collection was done using observation method, questionnaires and tests. Analytical results using the T-test are obtained: a scientific attitude of students has increased in each cycles, it is indicated that by increasing the number of students whom included in the category of good scientific attitude. The completeness of affective learning outcomes is 70% at the first cycle the increased to 80% in the second cycle and 92% in the third cycle. The completeness of psychomotor learning outcomes at first cycle is 57.5%, in the second cycle is 80% and 92.5% in third cycle. The classical completeness of cognitive learning outcome of students at first cycle is 60%, then decreased to 55% in the second cycle and increased to 87.5% in third cycle. From the analysis, it can be concluded that Cooperative Learning Model Student Study Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) can encourage a scientific attitude and improve student learning outcomes.