摘要:This research is to find out how much influence of arm power, torso power, and leg power to the ability of volleyball top service. Test using survey research methods. Populations and samples used in this research are 22 extracurricular students of SMA Negeri 1 Mranggen. The data collected is analyzed using multiple regression. The research result based on the calculation are the power of arm muscle gave small impact in top service, the power of torso also gives small impact, that case also happened with the power of leg which had small impact on the top service; but the power of arm muscle, the power of torso and the power of leg together gave significant impact on volleyball top service and others influences also came from other variable whic are not measured in this research. From the data result above, I suggest to the coach of extracurricular to give more exercises the leg so the power leg of the student bemome stronger which affect to their volleyball top service, give instruction to student that good volleyball top service is also support by the power of healthy torso muscle; so the students should take care of their torso muscle in order to keep the torso muscle function maximally as the balancing device of the body, for the students who join the volleyball extracurricullar, voleyball should not only play for fill in their freetime but it could be better if they develope their ability in playing volleyball continuously which later could help them to be voleyball athlets from the participant of voleyball extracurricullar student of SMA Negeri 1 Mranggen Kabupaten Demak.
其他摘要:Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui berapa besar sumbangan power lengan, togok dan tungkai terhadap kemampuan servis atas bolavoli. Metode penelitian menggunakan survey test.Populasi dan sempel yang diteliti pada penelitian ini sebanyak 22 siswa eks
关键词:Arm Power; Torso Power; Leg Power; Volleyball Top Service