摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of Unnes’s lecturers and staffs to: 1) the movement and the music, 2) conservation Gymnastics implemented routinely on Friday, 3) Conservation Gymnastics which should be carried out continuously in order to be recognized as the original character. This research is a descriptive exploratory. Study population is all lecturers and staffs who attended conservation gymnastics while 50 samples are taken by purposive sampling. The Methods of data collection areusing questionnaires and analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that (1) Perception of lecturers and staffs on the use of gamelan as a musical accompaniment is fun. Perception of conservation gymnastic movements is less well because most of the gymnastics movement is not easy. (2) Perception of conservation gymnastics routinely performed on Friday is fun and exciting so that the time is already accurate. (3) Perception of conservation gymnastics that should be implemented regularly to be known as the original character is agreed to continueas the conservation campus. The Conclusion of the research is that Unnes’s lecturers and staffs have a poor perception of the conservation gymnastics consists of the perception of music, ease of movement, intensity and timing of the movement.
其他摘要:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi dosen dan karyawan Unnes terhadap: 1) gerakan dan iringan musik, 2) Senam konservasi yang dilaksanakan secara rutin pada hari jum’at, 3) Senam konservasi yang harus dilaksanakan secara kontinyu agar b