摘要:The purpose of this study was (1) to determine the level of student knowledge about prevention of Sport Sciences and treatment of injuries, sports psychology and sports health, (2) to assess the umplementation of sports safety in the field, (3) to determine the relationship between the student’s knowledge of Sport Science implementation in the field of sports safety. The population in this study were all students of the class of 2009 IKOR as 78 students. The sample in this study uses total sampling technique. This study is the type of correlation study. Data collection method used was a questionnaire ( questionnaire). The instrument trial was conducted on 20 students. The instrumentst that arranged and then tested of validity and reliability using SPSS. Furthermore, the data have collected were analyzed using descriptive percentage. The result of the research with product moment correlation analysis was obtained magnitude of the correlation coefficient of 0.595 with a significance level of 0.00. The test results showed that the correlation rxy obtained at 0.595, while the r table with N= 78 at 0.227. Because the value of count r > r table (0.595 > 0.227) then there is a relationship between knowledge of sport science students in the field of sports safety implementation at IKOR students department 2009. Based on the research result, it was concluded that there is a high positive relationship between sport science students knowledge with the implementation of sport safety in the field in IKOR students department 2009. My recommendation, the students should always knowledge about the implementation of sports safety in the field in order to reduce the occurrence if injury.
其他摘要:Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan tentang pencegahan dan perawatan cedera, psikologi olahraga dan kesehatan olahraga, (2) untuk mengetahui implementasi keselamatan olahraga di lapangan,