摘要:Physical exercise has the potential to cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress that can not be resisted with the antioxidant activity raises Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in the body increases. Apple vinegar and skin mangosteen extract acts as an antioxidant that can counteract free radicals. The aim of research want to know the effectiveness of the provision of apple vinegar and skinmangosteenextract in lowering cholesterol levels as a result of physical exercise in the rat strain wistar.This study was an experimental study using a"pretest-posttest control group design ". variable this study is apple vinegar, skin mangosteen extract, rats cholesterol levels. The samples used were 20 white male rats were divided 4 groups: a control group I, II with physical exercise, apple vinegar III with 0.54 ml /head/day + physical exercise, IV with skinmangosteen extract 29.7 mg /head /day + physical exercise. Mouse blood samples were taken from orbital sinus. The research was conducted in two places, maintenance is carried out in the Laboratory ofBiology FMIPA UNNES and cholesterol level checks done at Ultra Medica Semarang. Measurement of cholesterol levels using the CHOD-PAP. Data were analyzed using the cholesterol levels one way ANOVA. Result: The result of calculation delta P1 cholesterol (5.60 ± 24.28), P2 (17.40 ± 17.42), P3 (8 ± 11.34) and P4 (2.2 ± 7.60) with a probability value 0.518. Cholesterol delta different test results there is no significant difference (p> 0.05).
其他摘要:Latihan fisik berpotensi menimbulkan stresoksidatif.Stres oksidatif yang yang tidakbisaditangkaldenganantioksidanmenimbulkan aktivitas Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) dalam tubuh meningkat.Cuka apel dan ekstrak kulit manggis berperan sebagai antioksidanyang