摘要:This research is a mixed method research design which aimed to determine the students’ reflective thinking level after they experienced cognitive apprenticeship instruction (CAI) based learning program in the Mathematical Physics 1. Syntaxes of CAI program are modeling, coaching, articulation, reflection, and exploration. The data was collected from six remedial students’ performances of reflective thinking skill test and was analyzed using qualitative approach by triangulating it with observation and questionnaire, as well as interview results. The data analysis showed that the remedial students’ level was on the second phase of reflective thinking skill, namely understanding level. Several criterias of reflective thinking skill were still poor achieved by the students. Therefore, the more effective strategies applied in every syntax of CAI are required in order to improve the students’ level of reflective thinking.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui capaian level berpikir reflektif mahasiswa yang menempuh program remidial perkuliahan Fisika Matematika 1(Fismat 1) berbasis Cognitive Apprenticeship Instruction (CAI). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahul