摘要:Local wisdom is the value prevailing in a society, which is believed to be true and becomes a reference in the daily activity, and describes how to behave and act in response to specific changes in physical and cultural environment. Local wisdom in every region in Indonesia is an asset or a hidden treasure for the nation of Indonesia to be collected and maintained as a unity in life and the lives of all the people of Indonesia. The purpose of writing this article is to determine how to (1) embed local wisdom to the younger generation and (2) disseminate local wisdom through education. Analysis method used was the literature analysis. Results of the analysis concluded that one way of instilling local wisdom is by associating the natural disaster integrated physics learning in the vision of Environment Science Technology and Society (SETS). Dissemination of local wisdom can be done through education, including the teaching and educational research, as well as writing articles in the media.
其他摘要:Kearifan lokal merupakan nilai-nilai yang berlaku dalam suatu mayarakat, yang diyakini kebenarannya dan menjadi acuan dalam bertingkah laku sehari-hari, serta menggambarkan cara bersikap dan bertindak untuk merespons perubahan-perubahan yang khas dalam in