摘要:Contrast to force and motion concepts, students’ difficulties related to physics concepts underlying mechanical wave propagation has getting less attention in physics education research. This study exposed common students’ difficulties in solving conceptual problems related to mechanical wave propagation. Subject consisted of 128 first-year students in physics department of UM, enrolling the Introductory Physics II in 2013/2014 academic year. Data was gathered using two-tier, multiple choices test with Confidence Scale Rating. The study concluded that some fundamental concepts of wave such as general mathematical representation of wave propagation, motion of medium particles, and the relationship o.
其他摘要:Kontras dengan topik gaya dan gerak, kesulitan siswa terkait konsep-konsep yang melandasi fenomena perambatan gelombang masih kurang mendapatkan perhatian para peneliti pendidikan fisika. Artikel ini mengangkat kesulitan umum yang dialami mahasiswa dalam