摘要:Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has been used as a research tool in many fi elds. In this study, the magnetic properties, especially anti-ferromagnetic properties of FeF3 materials were investigated. Zero-fi eld custom-built NMR method was used to investigate the anti-ferromagnetic properties in the materials. Experiments have been carried out by varying the sample temperatures from 8 K to 220 K. Ordinary spin echo pulse sequence 900RF–τ–1800RF were used. Using Fast Fourier Transform, the signals in NMR spectrum were analyzed and the peak showed the resonance frequency. The result showed that resonance frequencies decrease with increasing in temperature. The frequency of the spectrum was around 85.41 MHz in the zero-temperature limit, and this corresponds with Fe hyperfi ne fi eld at zero-temperature limit was 2.14 T. The temperature dependence of the local magnetization does not fi t T2 Bloch’s Law very well. Instead, it fi ts the exponential form having an energy gap in the dispersion relation of the spin wave. It is obtained from the result that FeF3 is antiferromagnetic materials with energy gap of 11.466 meV and anisotropy energy of 1.045 meV.
其他摘要:Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) telah banyak digunakan sebagai “research tool” pada berbagai bidang kajian di fi sika. Pada studi ini, akan dilakukan eksperimen untuk menguji sifat magnetik, khususnya antiferromagnetik pada material FeF3. Telah dilakukan
关键词:Anti-ferromagnetic; FeF3; FID echo; hyperfi ne fi eld; NMR; zero-fi eld