摘要:This study presents the calculation results of the cell, and core Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) based fuel UraniumPlutonium Nitride (U, Pu)N. Parameter survey results of calculations of the fuel cell consisting of a kinf, burnup level, and the conversion ratio and for the calculation of the reactor core produce value keff during a refueling cycle. The calculation was performed by using a set of SRAC program by comparing three types of fuel cell designs. Reactor Design A based on natural uranium could not reach criticality because of keff < 1. Design B used the enrichment of uranium-235 by 9.5% to reach a critical condition at keff > 1. The critical state was also achieved by Design C utilizing natural uranium, and plutonium 5.5% result value keff = 1.015 in the first year of burnup and continues to increase 1.083 in the tenth year without refueling. Moreover, plutonium can replace the uranium enrichment process.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini menyajikan hasil perhitungan sel dan teras gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) berbasis bahan bakar UraniumPlutonium Nitride (U,Pu)N. Parameter Survey untuk hasil perhitungan sel bahan bakar terdiri dari kinf, level burnup, dan conversion ratio.