期刊名称:Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:This study aimed to examine the effect of the OKK manners of life on campus. Specific targets to be achieved is the new findings about factors that affect the implementation OKK directly to the manners of students in lectures. The method adopted is using the survey design. The subjects were students and lecturers who teach students of 2013. Determining the subject of research by purposive sampling technique. The instrument used are questionnaires. In order to meet the validity (curricular validity), a questionnaire compiled refer to the current values and cultural values Stikom OKK. Research findings point that (1) there was no significant difference OKK the implementation that has been made to the behavior of students during lectures, (2) OKK had no effect on improving the manners of life of students during lectures, and (3) factors that many activities OKK manners influence on the lives of students during lectures is the implementation Stikom culture. Suggestions for implementation of future research should (1) determination of the sample between groups must be equal or close to equal, (2) The initial measurements were taken to determine the differences before OKK with after OKK, and (3) determination of the sample (the subject of research) should not be used interchangeably means that if a subject had entered the sample group A then not sampled for group B.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh OKK terhadap tatakrama kehidupan di kampus. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah temuan baru tentang faktor-faktor penerapan OKK yang berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap tatakrama mahasiswa dalam perkuli
关键词:Soft skill; college life; manners of college life
其他关键词:Soft skill; kehidupan kampus; tata krama kehidupan kampus