期刊名称:Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:This study was aimed to describe the inculcation of religious and moral attitudes of early childhood in TKIT Salman Al Farisi 2, including: the lesson plan, the learning process, the habituation outside the classroom, the participants, and the supporting activities. This study is a qualitative research using case study design. The key informants are teachers, and parents. The data were obtained observation, in depth interview, and document review. The results show that: 1) there are lesson plan in the form of semester learning plan, weekly learning plan, and daily learning plan; (2) the learning steps are done on a opening before play, core, and closing; (3) habituation outside the classroom are such as: greeting, shaking hands, apologizing, disposing of garbage in its place, helping each other and alms; (4) the participants are school, parents, and the surrounding community (indirectly); (5) there are supporting activities for children, such as social activities, rituals of hajj, educational visits, extracurricular activities, and invite characters. Supporting activities for teachers is namely the formation of teacher aqidah. Support activities for parents are namely parenting and salman parents school.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penanaman sikap beragama dan moral anak usia dini di TKIT Salman Al Farisi 2, meliputi: perencanaan pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran, pembiasaan di luar kelas, pihak yang berperan, dan aktivitas pendukung. P
关键词:inculcation; religious and moral attitudes; early childhood
其他关键词:penanaman; sikap beragama dan moral; anak usia dini