摘要:Character education is one of the efforts to habituation the children in thinking, feeling, and doing things related to acceptable value. Yet, there has not been developed the measurement for kindergarten students character education achievement. This study aimed at developing an assesment instrument for character education in kindergarten and analyzing the results of the instrument appli cation in different kindergarten contexts. This study was research and development, the development process consisted of three stages, i.e. the preliminary study, the development process producing assessment instrument consisted of 11 values as character pillars elaborated into 137 indicators. The tryout was carried out in six kinder-gartens in Malang city which were purposively selecte, each kindergarten was represented by one class of Level A and one class of Level B, making a total sample of 226 students. Three conclusions were (1) The teachers had developed learning based on character education, had been covered in the development of habits, including moral and religious values, as well as social, emotional, and self-reliant aspects. (2)The appropriate instrument to assess character in kindergarten was an inventory that the teachers had to fill up in the form of a rating scale consisting of 137 indicators of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of kindergarten students related to values. (3)The analysis of the instrument application results in different kindergarten contexts showed that the general of character education in all sample kindergartens had been good, in all the kindergartens, the highest score was that of cooperation values, the second rank was the values of respect, and the lowest score was that of nationality.
其他摘要:Pendidikan karakter adalah upaya menanamkan kebiasaan, agar anak selalu berfikir, bersikap dan berperilaku berdasar nilai-nilai kebaikan. Selama ini belum tersusun ukuran keberhasilan pendi dikan karakter di TK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangk