摘要:The aims of this study as follows: (1) to know the implementation of creative and productive learning model in increasing the students' motivation and learning outcomes in learning Indonesian subject on 5 grade students of SDN Bhayangkara Yogyakarta, and 2) to know the improving students’ learning outcomes in learning Indonesian subject at the classroom on 5 grade students of SDN Bhayangkara Yogyakarta after using creative and productive learning model.This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The results show, firstly, learning Indonesian subject by using creative-productive learning model on grade 5 of SDN Bhayangkara Yogyakarta had been implemented and carried out by stages , namely: (1) the orientation stage , (2 ) the exploration stage, (3) the interpretation stage, (4) the recreations stage, and (5) the evaluation stage. From the result of questionnaires show the students’ motivation and learning outcomes of Indonesian subject at the end of the cycle had reached very good category with the percentage 100%. The increase learning motivation can be seen from the increase in every aspect of students’ motivation. Secondly, the improvment of students’ learning outcomes can be seen from the result of learning in Cycle 1 as many as 27 students (87,09%) that pass KKM and 4 students (12,91%) do not pass KKM. After improving the student’s learning outcomes in Cycle 2, the number of students who have passed the KKM is 31 students (100%).
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan sebagai berikut: (1) mengetahui pelaksanaan model pembelajaran kreatif dan produktif dalam upaya peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN Bhayangkara pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan (2) mengetahui pening
关键词:learning model creative and productive; motivation; learning outcomes
其他关键词:model pembelajaran kreatif dan produktif; motivasi; dan hasil belajar