摘要:This study intends to know the differences in the learning process and learning achievement of the fourth and the fifth grade studentsofex-RSBI elementary schools (SD) and national standard elementary schools (SDSN) in Yogyakarta Special Territory (DIY)in learning mathematics, science, and Indonesian. This study is a comparative study. The population of this study is the fourth and the fifth grade students of the ex RSBI SD and SDSN in DIY. The data were analyzed using (1) descriptive statistics, to describe the process of the research and to describe the mean, median, and standard deviation of the collected data; and (2) inferential statistics by using the multivariate test (Manova) and univariate test using t-test to test the hypothesis with the significance level of 5%. The result shows that. (1) there is no difference in the learning process and achievement in mathematics among the students of SDSN and those of ex-RSBI SD in DIY, (2) there is a difference in the learning process and achievement in science among the students ofSDSN and those of ex-RSBI SD in DIY,(3) there is a difference in the learning process and achievement in Indonesian among the students of SDSN and those of ex-RSBI SD in DIY.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan proses pembelajaran dan prestasi belajar siswa eks-RSBI dan SDSN di DIY pada mata pelajaran matematika, IPA dan Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan studi penelitian komparasi. Populasi dalam pene