摘要:To synchronise the theoretical knowledge taught in college with practical situation existed in elementary schools, all stakeholders of elementary schooling, such as teachers, students, and policy makers, require an environment that closely represents an elementary school-like atmosphere. In this sort of setting, we can find several facilities, as learning media, that are situated proportionally to align with the subjects taught in elementary schools or other perspectives that might be beneficial for supporting the learning process. Having this atmosphere enables students and teachers to gain more lessons during the learning process due to adequate supporting facilities.
其他摘要:Lingkungan kelas yang bernuansa ke-SD-an saat ini dibutuhkan oleh guru-guru SD, mahasiswa S-1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD), mahasiswa S-2 Pendidikan Dasar (Dikdas), dan para pengambil kebijakan di bidang ke-SD-an. Itu semua dalam rangka untuk me