出版社:Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
摘要:Discovery learning is designed with the aim that students can find their own concepts on what they study and work effectively in a group. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of discovery learning PhET aided simulation program on learning achievement compare to the discovery learning. The study used a quasi-experiment with 2 x 2 factorial design. The technique of data collection began with the test of prior ability of students and at the end of the study they were given physics learning achievement tests. The technique of data analysis using ANOVA test two paths. The results show that the physics achievement of students studying by means of discovery learning with PhET simulation aid was better than those who studied with discovery learning. In conclusion, discovery learning with PhET simulation aid affects positively towards students’ learning achievement.
其他摘要:Discovery learning dirancang dengan tujuan agar siswa dapat menemukan sendiri konsep yang dipelajari dan bekerja secara efektif dalam kelompok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh discovery learning berbantuan program simulasi PhET terh