摘要:Paradigm shift in public services to be more transparent, accountable, and participatory encountered many obstacles at its implementation. Constraints are not only coming from the government officials but also from the people who do not fully believe in the improvement efforts being taken by the government. Taking the example of One Stop Service (Samsat) in the city of Yogyakarta, this paper presents a portrait of public service delivery that is still full of practices that are inconsistent with the principles of new public management.
其他摘要:Pergeseran paradigma penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik menuju pola pelayanan yang lebih transparan, akuntabel dan partisipatif ternyata pada tataran implementasi menemui banyak kendala. Kendala tersebut tidak hanya berasal dari sisi aparat pemerintah namun
关键词:public service reform; brokering; minimal service