摘要:Reclamation is a form of human intervention to the balance of the natural environment which are always in a dynamic state of balance. This change will resulting changes in ecosystems such as changes in current patterns, coastal erosion and sedimentation, and potentially increasing the danger of flooding. Careful and comprehensive assessment can certainly produce a reclaimed area that is safe for the surrounding environment. Regional autonomy as set forth in the legislation is a strong foundation for the local governments to implement the construction of the marine areas development from aspects of permitting, planning, utilization, monitoring and control.
其他摘要:Reklamasi merupakan bentuk campur tangan (intervensi) manusia terhadap keseimbangan lingkungan alamiah yang selalu dalam keadaan seimbang dinamis. Perubahan ini akan melahirkan perubahan ekosistem seperti perubahan pola arus, erosi dan sedimentasi pantai,