摘要:Acquisition of land for public purposes initially pursued through the revocation of land rights under Article 18 of Law No. 5 of 1960. In its development, the acquisition of land for public purposes pursued through the provision of land for public purposes stipulated in Law No. 2 Year 2012. In normative, revocation of land rights is still valid caused by its laws have not been replaced by the new Act. In the other hand, empirically, revocation of land rights is not implemented due to the lack of legislation governing the acquisition of land for public purposes.
其他摘要:Perolehan hak atas tanah untuk kepentingan umum pada mulanya ditempuh melalui pencabutan hak atas tanah yang diatur dalam Pasal 18 Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1960. Dalam perkembangannya, perolehan hak atas tanah untuk kepentingan umum ditempuh melalui peng
关键词:withdrawal rights; land acquisition; public interest
其他关键词:pencabutan hak; pengadaan tanah; kepentingan umum