摘要:This article analyze the authority of Curators on the matter of Bankruptcy Management which includes registered objects and time limited Object that already expired included in the Limited Liability Company (LLC) Bankruptcy Estate also the Legal Protection of related parties on said object in the scope of Bankruptcy Law. This journal uses juridical normative research method. The result of this research shows that curators became the most authorized party based on their broad authority as regulated in Act Number 37 Year 2007 About Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang Paragraph 16 Article 1 jo. Paragraph 69 Article 1 especially concerning the management of registered objects and time limited Object that already expired included in the Limited Liability Company (LLC) Bankruptcy Estate. In addition research also suggest that legal protection of creditor rights to registered objects and time limited Object that already expired included in the Limited Liability Company (LLC) Bankruptcy Estate is done by the curators in terms of the procedure for time extensions and tort lawsuit against the debtors in case there are intention to intentionally not extend the time limit for egistered objects and time limited Object that already expired included in the Bankruptcy Estate before the verdict to bankruptcy solicitation statement.
其他摘要:Kewenangan kurator dalam hal pengurusan berupa perpanjangan benda terdaftar dan berjangka waktu tertentu yang habis jangka waktunya dalam harta pailit milik Perseroan Terbatas serta perlindungan hukum terhadap para pihak yang terkait dengan benda terdafta
关键词:Bankruptcy; Limited Liability Company; Registered object time limited object
其他关键词:Kepailitan; Perseroan Terbatas; Benda Terdaftar Berjangka Waktu Tertentu