期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:The idea of protecting geological heritage in Serbia occurred in late XIX and early XX century, but not until mid-90s began the systematic separation of ob¬jects, their evaluation and proposal for protection. As a country abound in natural resources and geographical diversity, Serbia represents an attractive destination for geotourism development. In the last few years have become available innovative techniques and tools supported by geographic information systems (GIS), which have left their mark in the presentation of geological data and geological heritage management. In this paper, in addition to theoretical considerations of geological terms such as geodiversity, geological heritage and geotourism, in a certain examples are analyzed the possibility of GIS technology application in geological and geomor¬phological research. Besides that, the emphasis is given on the application and sig¬nificance of geological resources portal in Serbia (GeoIISS). Portal represents the basis for the geological storage of data in digital form, a review of existing data and easier managing, as well as creating interactive queries. In this way, users have the possibil¬ity to conduct the analysis of spatial data, update data, maps, and display the results.
其他摘要:Идеја о заштити геонаслеђа у Србији јавља се крајем XIX и почетком XX века, али тек половином 90-их година започиње систематско издвајање објеката геонаслеђа, њихово вредновање и предлагање за заштиту. Србија као земља која обилује природним богатствима и
关键词:geodiversity; geo-heritage; geotourism; GIS; geological information system
其他关键词:геодиверзитет; геонаслеђе; геотуризам; ГИС; геолошки информациони систем