期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:There are various classifications of elements of tourist destinations in the scientific literature. For optimal consideration of elements of tourist destinations, the World Tourist Destination has proposed the FAS methodology applicable to the rural tourism destinations as well. In this paper, factors, attractors and support (FAS) were applied to the example of the eco-village (tourist-recreation centre) in Koštunići. Natural, human and capital factors, natural, cultural and attractors in the form of centres for activities, support services, transport and catering as support to the tourism development, have been shown on the basis of field observations, interviews and relevant literature. On the example of tourist-recreation centre in Koštunići, the research results show that in each subgroup of elements, there are the elements which are key drivers of tourism development, but also those which have a limiting effect on this industry.
其他摘要:У научној литератури постоје разноврсне класификације елемената туристичке дестинације. У циљу оптималног сагледавања елемената туристичке дестинације Светска туристичка дестинација је предложила ФАС методологију, применљиву и на дестинације руралног тури