摘要:The article analyzes the problem of training future teachers to organize the research and experimental work in secondary schools of Ukraine. The essence, purpose, object and subject of the research and experimental work were determined. Importance of the experimental work on the basis of secondary schools in the context of changing the status and structure of the educational establishment, implementation of progressive ideas of scholars and educators, creative working innovators were emphasized. Experiment and research work were defined as key empirical methods of scientific and pedagogical research. This problem was highlighted in the context of research activities in secondary and higher education in Ukraine. Methodological basis of the experimental work in the educational system were submitted. The structure of pedagogical experiment (search phase; conceptual phase; predictive phase; organizational phase; technological phase, phase of synthesis and implementation of experimental results, the phase of reflection, monitoring and evaluation of experimental data) was described. The hypothesis as scientific and methodological basis of pedagogical experiment was characterized. The complex of specially organized conditions in order to prepare of future teacher for experimental, scientific and research work was examined. The main stages of preparation of future teacher for the research and experimental work (development of creative individuality of the future teacher; mastering the basics of methodology of scientific knowledge, pedagogical research; development of technology of research and experimental work; analysis and practical work of teachers at the pilot platform for implementing innovations in the educational process of comprehensive school) were represented. Main forms of organization of scientific research activity of students in educational (learning lecture course, performing tasks, laboratory and practical work, writing essays, execution of course projects, diploma and master works, tasks research character in the industrial or academic practice) and extracurricular (work in student scientific circles; students' individual work or work in the creative groups under domestic or international projects, grants) time were determined. The role of the experimental work in developing innovative technologies of training and education of the younger generation was emphasized.
其他摘要:У статті проаналізовано проблему підготовки майбутнього вчителя до проведення дослідно-експериментальної роботи в загальноосвітніх школах України. Визначено експеримент та дослідну роботу як провідні емпіричні методи науково-педагогічного дослідження. Оз
关键词:esearch and experimental work; pedagogical experiment; scientific and research activity; higher education; prospective teacher; hypothesis of the experiment
其他关键词:дослідно-експериментальна робота; педагогічний експеримент; науково-дослідна діяльність; вища школа; майбутній учитель; гіпотеза експерименту