摘要:The purpose of primary school teachers’ professional training is forming their methodological competence in teaching primary school children Nature Study. Mastering methodological competence by the teacher requires to focus main attention on training teachers with advanced creative skills, research skills, ready to solve creative and research tasks, complex professional and pedagogical problems of education. Analysis of scientific works allowed to conclude that professional thinking of the majority of teachers is not creative, it is full of stereotypes and methodological clichés; young teachers are not able to use the acquired knowledge creatively in the practice of training and find creative solutions, especially while dealing with many educational problems that arise during the training and education of schoolchildren. This is the result of the fact that the modern style of the future teacher’s professional thinking during his training at pedagogical university is not formed purposefully. Relevance of the study is enhanced with the lack of creative activity experience of most students of that age. At the same time, it was found that primary school age is an extremely favorable period for the developing the natural creative potential of a person through the creative learning environment organized by the teacher. Therefore, among the priorities of higher pedagogical education there is the problem of forming professional thinking of future primary school teachers of Nature Study aimed at developing school children who can think creatively, approach to situations in relations “man – nature” innovatively to detect cognitive activity, initiative and critically analyze their own actions. The aim of the article is to outline the factors that cause the problem of forming the future teachers’ professional thinking at the present stage of development of Ukrainian society and national educational space, reveal the essence of the concepts of “professional pedagogical thinking”, “creative pedagogical thinking” and identify common areas of providing growth appointed phenomenon. The analysis of scientific sources revealed that the studied problem is one of the central in contemporary educational policy and science. This is due to rapid changes in the economic, social and cultural conditions in society, the European integration process started in the humanitarian sphere, significant recovery of information and innovative processes which have become intensive development in the national educational space. In the study the professional pedagogical thinking is considered as a cognitive process of identifying pedagogical problematic, the solution of which is characterized by personal inclusion of the teacher in transformation in the professional activity. The opinion about the necessity of purposeful forming and developing the future specialists’ creative pedagogical thinking is proved. The study allowed to conclude that the future teacher’s readiness to forming young learner’s subject Nature Study competence is driven by organizing optimal educational environment aimed at the forming and developing professional thinking of the future professional and orienting his professional and educational activities on forming productive thinking of his pupils; the areas of work outlined in the article are the main ones for the formation of professional thinking of the future primary school teacher of Nature Study.
其他摘要:У статті з філософсько-педагогічних позицій розглянуто професійне мислення майбутнього вчителя як важлива складова підготовки майбутніх фахівців до творчої професійної діяльності. Визначено роль феномена професійного мислення майбутніх учителів природозна
关键词:competence approach; methodological competence of the teacher in teaching primary schoolchildren Nature Study; own trajectory of future teachers’ professional development and growth; development of professional thinking of the future primary school teache
其他关键词:компетентнісний підхід; методична компетентність учителя в навчанні природознавства молодших школярів; власна траєкторія професійного становлення і зростання майбутнього вчителя; розвиток професійного мислення майбутніх учителів природознавства початкових