摘要:The article is devoted to studying the features of teaching the course “Pedagogical Ergonomics” to future human health specialists at the pedagogical university at Physical Education Department. The analysis of researches in the outlined problem proves its relevance for training highly qualified specialists in this field. The author tries to determine the part of the course “Pedagogical Ergonomics” and in particular its representing in the curriculum of training the Bachelor students in Human Health. It is reported in the article that the course is designed for three credits. The goal and main tasks of the discipline, its links with other courses, which should be mastered by future specialists while studying, are disclosed. The special attention is paid to the general and professional competences that students should master as a result of studying the disciplines. General competences are considered in social and cultural, informational, communicative, health preserving, and archeological aspects, because professional competences of future human health specialists, who can work on teaching positions at different pedagogical establishments, should be based on professional and personal experience, on the system of psychological and pedagogical, methodological and other knowledge, skills, contribute to his/her development and self-development in the process of getting conscious personal and professional experience in teaching activities. Professional competence is based on the ability of mastering ergonomic and pedagogical knowledge on which the acquisition of appropriate practical skills is held. The curriculum in pedagogical ergonomics include two content modules. The forms of organization of teaching and learning the discipline are lectures, seminars and self-study activities. Lectures are aimed at gaining theoretical knowledge, seminars and self-study activities focus on developing professional skills. Tasks for independent work has been developed taking into account the principle of independence and creativity in education. The article provides examples of tasks for independent work. The conclusions are made about the competency approach to training future human health specialists, which should include the competence that contributes to studying the course of pedagogical ergonomics.
其他摘要:Стаття присвячена актуальній проблемі підготовки фахівців зі здоров’я людини в педагогічному виші. Розглянуто місце дисципліни «Педагогічна ергономіка» й особливості її викладання в бакалавріаті факультету фізичного виховання, спеціальності 6.010203 Здоро
关键词:training future human health specialists; curriculum ”Pedagogical ergonomics”; forms of studying pedagogical ergonomics
其他关键词:підготовка фахівців зі здоров’я людини; програма курсу «Педагогічна ергономіка»; форми навчання педагогічної ергономіки