摘要:A textbook is considered to be the main source of organizing educational activities of primary schoolchildren. It contains the content of the subject and at the same time it is a tool for implementing various educational functions. Therefore, the priority task of the primary school teacher is to equip young learners with one of the leading integrated skills in learning – to work with textbooks. The textbooks are needed to facilitate mastering material content, to develop the schoolchildren’s self-education, to work creatively, emotionally and to value attitude towards themselves and others. The content of the textbooks on the course “I am in the World” for the curriculum of the 3-4 forms includes mastering the fiction works of different genres by primary schoolchildren: traditional (history, fairy tales, stories, legends, parables, fables, plot verses, artistic and cognitive articles); as well as non-traditional, and the works of more practical purpose (saying, advice, situation, rule). The analysis of scientific and methodological sources proves that the problem of the peculiarities of working with the text of the textbook “I am in the World” has not achieved the sufficient development in scientific and pedagogical research. It is concluded that the problem of the future teachers’ professional training to work on the text in the course “I am the world” in the educational field “Social Science” is relevant. The urgency, the theoretical and practical significance of the problem and, at the same time, the lack of methodological bases for the future teachers’ training to work with the texts of different genres in the lessons of “I am in the World” causes the choice of the topic of the study. The future teacher of the new Ukrainian school should be ready for forming the reading competence of primary schoolchildren as an individual’s ability to understand the texts of different genres completely, interpret them, evaluate, interact with the text, search the text for the necessary information in order to acquire new knowledge that will help schoolchildren in practical life and further education. The purpose of the article is to propose a list of methods and techniques of working on literary texts in the lessons of “I am in the World”, which are implemented at different stages of the lesson. The theoretical analysis of future teachers’ training process and the generalization of the practice of teaching Ukrainian literary reading at primary school as an organic component of the educational branch “Languages and Literature” gives the reasons for distinguishing the main types of activities on learned textbook materials – the prose texts that can be used by the teacher at various stages: preparatory work, reading for analysis, advanced semantic analysis, secondary synthesis. The author concludes that the special methods of work on the text presented in the article will promote pupils’ understanding, the ability to interpret them, evaluate, interact with the text, search the necessary information in order to acquire new knowledge that will help primary schoolchildren in practical life and further education. The optimal combination of such methods and techniques will contribute to the development of primary schoolchildren’s potential capabilities; creative abilities, logical thinking, and improvement of interest in the process of reading and to the subject in general, create conditions for the emotional sphere formation.
其他摘要:Статтю присвячено актуальній проблемі формування читацької компетентності молодших школярів на уроках «Я у світі» як здатності індивіда повноцінно усвідомлювати тексти різних жанрів, інтерпретувати їх, оцінювати, проводити діалогову взаємодію з текстом, з
关键词:the primary schoolchild’s reading competence; the reading competence in understanding the text; the stages of working with fiction texts of different genres; the forms and methods of working with the text; the personally oriented and activity oriented app
其他关键词:читацька компетентність молодшого школяра; читацька компетенція розуміння тексту; етапи роботи з літературними текстами різних жанрів; форми і методи роботи з текстом; особистісно орієнтований та діяльнісний підходи