摘要:License is an instrument that the most widely used in public adminislration law. The implementation of administrations sanction (bestuursdwang) thereJore enable the governmenl to take the administrative action effectively and prevenlively, Il is one ol governmenl discrelion aulhority. The instrument has stabilizer, perfective and corrective function to make everyone who conflict or break the law Io end their action. Bestuursdwang is lhe nnsl importanl law enforcemenl ss it is very efective 'real action' (eitelijkhandellingen) that governmenl could make lo end lhe conditions that is prohibited in odministrative law. The dissatisfed or suffered party is able to subntit beschikking lo be examined in PTUN. ht lhis conlent, the judge will act as lhe invenlion of law, the former of law, the innovator of lau, and lhe execulor of law and lhe fortifcation of justice. That also happens in living space conservation.