摘要:Regional attthoritie.s os uutotlo,ttous rcgiuts in the framaunrk rf NKRI ho.setl on Act No. 22 Vear 1999 acquired by means o.f attribution, delegution and mandale, empha,sizecl on acconrplishnrcnt o.f tlecenlralization principles bv nrcan.s of domeslic' arrangentent system lhat i.s materially, fornnlly ani tangib4y implemenled. Practicolly the oulhority re.\l ott .ftrclor of hunun re,Jources supported by nuturul ,u'ourru., and availohility of sfficient equipment as u,ell us organizalions and manoge ,nent thal huve a .rctlis.factory quality.
关键词:Intplcnrcnlolion; uulhoritv en regionul governnrenls