摘要:Though have taken place Jive year, implementation the Act No. 22/1999 (improved by Act No. 32/2004), still be potential generote insisl uncompromisingly or "spannungs" among centrdl government and Local, it caused by dffirent perception in articulaling aulhorities given by according to code. This research aim to conduct the syrchronization of regulation in Jorestry sector. In reality, implementotion of various authorities by Local Government still multi interprelation. Nothing uniform of legislation items among region or locally which is one with the other region. There no equality in making policy, this matter is very depend on circumstance in each region or local governntent. The diffraction of interpretation occufted of concerning authorities among Province with the Regency or among Regency which is one with other,' dissimilar in exploiting of forest resource, need the.follou' up hy M o U among stokeholder as existing by sense of responsibility with in managemenl .forestry resource.\. This M o U i.s expected u,ill be express the role-sharing or role division by proportionallt among stakefutlder.