摘要:The settlement of law court dispute in district court simply, rapidly and economically judicature principle hoped be able to settle through the peaceful process with mediation in order that it is not overloaded the case. Since it has been done The rule of High Court of Justice No. 1/2008 it has been effective the process of mediation settlement as an alternative of settlement dispute. In PERMA No. 1/2008 the mediation phase in the process of the settlement of law court dispute in district court is being law of force. The process of the mediation needs much time so if it is not successful , it will be done the process of law court settlement legitimately. The time needed will disturb the implementation of simply, rapidly and economically judicature principle, moreover it has not been successful. While based on HIR, it may be done the settlement of law court dispute peacefully during the law court inspection.
其他摘要:Penyelesaian sengketa perdata di pengadilan negeri dengan asas peradilan sederhana, cepat, dan biaya murah, maka diharapkan dapat diselesaikan melalui proses perdamaian dengan menggunakan mediasi agar tidak terjadi penumpukan perkara. Sejak diberlakukanny