期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Many factors influenced the development of the City of Belgrade: function of the administrative-political state center, administrative-territorial changes and stormy political and wartime events during the 90-s of the 20-th century on the area of former SFRY. Especially high increase in the population of the City of Belgrade after the WWII is more the consequence of the migrations than the natural increase in the population. The population increase influenced the spreading of the Belgrade administrative territory. The changes in the population numbers influenced the significant changes in the population composition in terms of economic characteristics. The basic characteristic is the increase in the total population numbers and constant fall of the total number of agricultural population. The fastened industrialization, an increase in the standard of living, mechanization, etc., are causes of sudden decrease of total and active agricultural population.
其他摘要:На демографски развој Града Београда утицали су многи фактори: функција административно-политичког центра државе, административно-територијалне промене и бурна политичка и ратна догађања током 90-тих година 20-тог века на тлу бивше СФРЈ. Изразито висок по