期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Taking into consideration that the quality of education is conditioned by the quality of teaching, there is a justified need for constant innovations in teaching geography. This considers the teaching that stimulates development of geographical abilities through the fast and effective notification of the geographical problem and its independent solving. Geography has significant place in the educational-training process, meaning that more attention should be paid to the way of realization of educational contents in geography. Geographical contents can be interpreted differently and accommodated to the learning abilities of students. Traditional processing of geographical contents with its uniformity and routine must be modernized through the application of multimedia resources, which would help in overcoming certain weaknesses in its processing.
其他摘要:Полазећи од чињенице да је квалитет образовања условљен квалитетом наставе, постоји оправдана потреба за сталним иновацијама у настави географије. При томе се мисли на наставу која подстиче развој географских способности кроз брзо и ефикасно уочавање геог