期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:This paper analyzes climate, relief and vegetation, as natural potentials for development of tourism in spa resort Gornja Trepča. Thermo-mineral springs are primary natural values of spa resort Gornja Trepča. These values serve as natural factors of spa medical treatments, rehabilitation and recreation. Climate has less importance for development of tourism in Gornja Trepča. The following were analyzed: air temperature, cloudiness, air pressure and precipitation. Contribution to tourist value directly and indirectly brings mountain Vujan. Through the realization of the special urbanization plan conditions for development and protection of Gornja Trepča environment can be regulated.
其他摘要:У раду су анализирани клима, рељеф и вегетација, као природни потенцијали за развој туризма у бањи Горња Трепча. Термоминерални извори су примарне природне вредности бање Горња Трепча. Ове вредности служе као природни фактори бањског лечења, рехабилитациј