期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Tourism as an economic activity occupies a place of ever-growing importance in the world economy. This trend rises each year and revenue generated from tourism is constantly growing on the world-wide scale. Their participation in GDP is increasing. Tourism is constantly developing and progressing. Thus careful analysis of all the factors influencing tourism along with the economic effects of tourism development - direct, indirect and multiplicative effects of tourism on economy should be performed. The author attempts in this paper to establish cause-and-effect relationship between tourism development in the leading tourist Mediterranean countries and their direct economic effects.
其他摘要:Туризам као делатност заузима све значајније место у светској привреди. Тај тренд из године у годину расте и приходи од туризма у светским размерама све више расту. Учешће туризма у БНП се повећава. Туризам се налази у непрестаном развоју и прогресији, па
关键词:tourism; development; economic effects of tourism