期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:When pupils do their homework they are given a possibility to work independently on their assignments getting thus more practice and skills. Working on the assignments within their home activities, the pupils have an opportunity to develop different social skills and, what is more important for geography, intellectual processes as well as abilities for an individual work and intellectual independence, critical use of information, solving problems and abilities for carrying out the smaller researches. During the formulation of the homework, one should take care of the homework to be made in a form of problem questions, to be adapted to the age of the pupils, to demand different forms of practical use of knowledge, to treat the current life problems, to be adopted to the individual characteristics of the pupil and to be interesting to the pupils.
其他摘要:Приликом израде домаћих задатака ученицима се пружа могућност да самостално раде на својим задужењима и стичу навике и вештине самосталног рада. Радећи на својим задужењима у оквиру домаћих активности ученици су у прилици да развијају различите социјалне