期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Despite the fact that spatial planning is the souvenir of the second half of XXth century, as an organized activity it is rooted in early history, along with the efforts and visible traces of first civilizations trying to control and use their territory. Our investigation shifts from this first spatial enterprises during Antique, over medieval so called prehistory events in Netherlands and France, up to the first official state policies in the beginning of last century. We dare, as well, to give a planners interpretation of classical approach to geopolitics, trying to explain the means and ends that shaped the space through history. The aim of this paper is, using selected case studies, to show the historical origin of the discipline and to prove the continuity of spatial policies from ancient to modern times.
其他摘要:Иако је просторно планирање тековина друге половине двадесетог века, корене ове делатности треба тражити у организованим активностима првих цивилизација које су оставиле јасне трагове уређења и управе на великим територијама које су контролисале. Мада так