期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:This paper's aim is survey of the most recent results on the stratospheric ozone condition on Earth and under Serbian territory, identification of possible causes of its dynamics, as well as projection of condition of stratospheric layer in the future. The decrease of emissions and concentrations of substances that cause ozone depletion is concluded, ozone layer is not in the state of further decomposition while the role of natural factors in its dynamics is much obvious and more significant than previously considered. During period 1979-2005 the decrease of ozone concentration was noticed under Serbian territory cumulatively for 24.5 DU (7.2%). However, by method of flexible trend it was established that process of ozone layer covering dominated from pentad 1992-1996. Inter-annual variations of stratospheric ozone concentration under Serbia have still been in the function of natural causes such as solar and volcanic activities.
其他摘要:Циљ рада је преглед најновијих резултата стања стратосферског озона на Земљи и Србији, утврђивање могућих узрока његове динамике, као и пројекције стања стратосферског озона у будућности. Констатовано је да емисије и концентрације супстанци које оштећују