期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:The problem of estimating the gravitational area or nodal region of urban settlements is an issue that geographers are intensively exploring. There are numerous methods for the estimation of gravitational area, the majority of which shows certain limitations. The paper uses the data on daily frequency of bus and railway traffic and territorial range and distribution of commuters for the estimation of gravitational area of Novi Sad. The data on daily commuting always imply shortages, since it is unattainable to obtain data on total commuting. Moreover, when data on goods traffic are used, further problems arise. Therefore, this paper will utilize the aforementioned data for the analysis due to their availability. In addition, the review of the former research concerning the issue is presented in the paper.
其他摘要:Проблем оцењивања гравитационог подручја или нодалне регије градских насеља географи интензивно истражују. Постоје бројне методе за процену гравитационог подручја, од којих већина показује извесна ограничења. Рад користи податке о дневном кретању аутобуса
关键词:gravitation areal; Novi Sad; transition; daily migrations
其他关键词:ареал гравитације; Нови Сад; транзиција; дневне миграције