期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:The principles of the systematic approach in the planning of teaching methods in the study of ecological contents in Geography instruction were explained in the paper. Special emphasis was put on the method of learning by discovery. Besides theoretical explanation of methodical-pedagogical results that can be fulfilled by using this method in the process of teaching, several examples for its application in the teaching practice were suggested in the paper. Moreover, the activities that should be overtaken with the aim of removing the existing negativities of the teaching process were also mentioned in order that the research teaching of Geography would be given efficiently in the study of ecological contents.
其他摘要:У раду су експлицирани принципи системског приступа у планирању наставних метода при изучавању еколошких садржаја у настави географије. Посебна пажња је посвећена методи учења путем открића. Осим теоријског сагледавања методичко-педагошких исхода који се
关键词:systematic approach; teaching methods; learning by discovery; experiment; teaching practice
其他关键词:системски приступ; наставне методе; учење путем открића; експеримент; наставна пракса