期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:The starting point of the paper is the connection between the atmospheric circulation variability and fluctuations of air temperature in Serbia. The linear correlation and multiple linear regressions have been applied in the analyses of the connection between these variables. The frequency of Hess-Brezowsky circulation forms and types is used as the indicator of atmospheric circulation, and the annual and seasonal values are analyzed for the period 1949-2004. There are significant differences in the amount of the correlation coefficients between different parts of Serbia. According to the multiple linear regression results, the contribution of atmospheric circulation to the mean annual temperature of Serbia is 66%. Summer and winter have the highest correlation obtained between the circulation and temperatures by seasons.
其他摘要:Полазиште овог рада је да постоји веза између варијабилности циркулације атмосфере и колебања температуре ваздуха у Србији. У анализама повезаности ових променљивих примењене су линеарна корелација и вишеструка линеарна регресија. Као показатељ циркулациј
关键词:atmospheric circulation; Hess-Brezowsky circulation forms and types; air temperature; Serbia
其他关键词:циркулација атмосфере; Хес-Брезовски циркулационе форме и типови; температура ваздуха; Србија