期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:The hydrographical system of the Tisa River is developed in the territories of Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia and Serbia. There are many different polluters in each of the mentioned countries which directly or indirectly, over the tributaries, influence the water quality disturbance of this river. Most polluters and the most significant tributaries of the Tisa are out of the borders of Serbia, the country through the territory of which this large European river flows by the utmost downstream part of its course. Those are the reasons that the Tisa is entering the territory of Serbia already visibly burdened with pollutants. The problem is as much bigger as the Tisa is being exposed to the negative influence of larger number of polluters and an additional disturbance of the water quality is present at this section of the course which is 164 km long.
其他摘要:Хидрографски систем реке Тисе је развијен на територијама Румуније, Мађарске, Украјине, Словачке и Србије. У свакој од наведених држава постоје бројни загађивачи различитог типа који непосредно или посредно, преко притока, утичу на нарушавање квалитета во