期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Environmental education in elementary schools is one of the important issues related to the overall institutional education. During the last few decades we have witnessed threats to the environment which have made the environmental education of young people a necessity. The process of this education should be continuously examined and improved.. It has been noticed that along with education, it there is a growing need for more effective environmental training. The education system in schools is formed according to guidelines set by legislation, curriculum and educational standards relevant to the level of achievement of students and binding for all participants in the teaching process. An analysis of class 5-8 standardized geography curriculum emphasizes the lacks of environmental education goals, general and operational tasks, curriculum contents and instructions for teaching environmental protection related curriculum. With the aim of improving teaching methods and achieving better results concerning environmental awareness among students, the paper presents suggestions for improving the existing primary school geography curriculum.
其他摘要:Еколошко образовање у основној школи припада корпусу значајних питања у склопу укупног институционалног образовања и васпитања. Последњих деценија постали смо сведоци изражене угрожености животне средине, па је еколошка едукација младих неминовност коју т