期刊名称:Zbornik Radova: Geografski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
出版社:University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
摘要:Sport and recreation tourism as a selective type of tourism should provide for the tourists needs for active relaxation, recreation, leisure and entertainment. The role of sport and recreation facilities in the hotel offer is becoming more significant nowadays. By representing natural and material potentials of Novi Sad and analyzing the sport and recreation offer in the Novi Sad hotels, the goal of this paper is to point out to the degree of development of sport and recreation tourism and the opportunities for further development by improving the sport and recreation offer of the Novi Sad hotels. A questionnaire was used in the research with 98 respondents. The research results have shown that only four hotels in Novi Sad offer sport and recreation facilities, therefore in the forthcoming period we should strive to expand the offer, introduce innovations, standardize and improve sport and recreation facilities, which would greatly contribute to the development of Novi Sad as a sport and recreation tourism destination.
其他摘要:Спортско-рекрeативни туризам представља посебан облик туризма који треба туристима да обезбеди задовољење потребе за активним одмором, релаксацијом, кретањем, игром и забавом. Улога спортско-рекреативног садржаја у понуди хотелских објеката данас постаје
关键词:sport and recreation tourism; hotel; sport and recreation facilities; quality; Novi Sad
其他关键词:спортско-рекреативни туризам; хотел; спортско-рекреативни садржаји; квалитет; Нови Сад