出版社:National Defense University Barbaros Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute Journal of Naval Science and Engineering
摘要:In this study we propose a new steganography method using image blocks.The proposed method splits the cover image into square blocks and embeds a sequence of message bits into each block.It performs a search on least significant bits (LSB) of raw/column pixels at different directions and find the most similar raw/column to the message bits.It then changes the LSBs of raw/column pixels with the message bits.Finally the message embedded raw/column is pointed out using the frame pixels of block.The performance of proposed method against steganalysis is evaluated using the measure of distorted pixels.İn the experiments performed on randomly selected 100 different images and message bits,Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak Signal-to-Noise Rate (PSNR) measures are used.The method outperforms the other steganography techniques based on image domain published in the literature.
其他摘要:Bu çalışmada imge karelerini kullanan yeni bir steganografi yöntemi önerilmektedir.Önerilen yöntem,örtü imgesini karelere bölerek her kareye kare boyutuna bağlı uzunlukta mesaj bitini saklar.Kare içinde değişik yönlerdeki satır/sütunlardaki piksellerin en