摘要:The a rticle deta ils several aspects re lated to the behaviour of floors des igned to be made of reinforced or pre-stressed concrete beams pre-beams), andsupe r-concre teflled frames.The design of such floors shall meet the strength a nd stability requirements
for gravity loadings and the requi rements related to their behaviour as horizontal diaphragms (horizontal stiff plate).The load applied to the floors was the gravity load corres ponding to the current useful loading, after which the load was ap plied horizontally up to the maxim um bending imposed in the horizontal plane.Instruments were used to steadily check the def ormations and rotations induced by the moving side.The maxim um response of the floor to horizo ntal seismic loads was tes ted and the possibility to conside rsuch elements as signif icantly rigid elements in the horizontal plane and their com pute rdesign were analyzed.