摘要:The SP VRANCEA NT Database (Strong Earthquakes with Epicenters in the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone - Records at Ground Level)
contains results obtained by the processing of Vrancea ground level seismic motions recorded from the seismic networks of Romania (INCERC,INCDFP and ISPH-GEOTEC), Bulgaria and Republic of Moldova.The equations of definition and the computed values of peak ground
acceleration, peak ground velocity and peak ground displacement - as wellas their “ effective”values, corner (control) periods, Tc (velocity /acceleration) and Td (displacement / velocity), response spectra and instrumental intensity spectra are provided.The SP VRANCEA NTDatabase can be accessed from the NRDI URBAN-INCERC website(www.incd.ro), by clicking the link “RNSC" or, alternatively, by directly using the web address www.incerc.ro.The link to the database is displayed on the first page (“ Database of information and seismic records RNSCURBAN-INCERC").In order to access the database, signing in (with name,e-mail, phone and, optionally, remarks) is required.The user can then download the database file (SPVRANT.zip) and the corresponding usermanuals (GHIDNT.zip).